Intention With Help

At this time of the year I start a process of reviewing my journey for the past year and begin to identify the specific areas that I want to focus attention for the upcoming year.  This is a part of my spiritual process to continue the forward progress in many areas of my life - I start to look at ways to make changes that will improve myself and my life.  I am called to ask what can I add, delete or change that will improve upon my physical, mental, emotional well being?; how can I deepen my spiritual practice?; what more needs my attention to heal?; how can I improve my relationships?; how can I become more empowered?; how can I be a better planetary steward?; how can I be in service more fully?; what more do I need to do to accomplish my soul purpose?  The list may seem daunting, but out of meditation and soul wisdom comes the simple, truthful answers for how to proceed in planning for the next phase of the journey.

There have been for me some occasions when something has occurred while doing inner journey work for myself or with clients that causes my small ego brain to be stunned.  It then asks the question - how were you able to see or accomplish that?  I had this happen again recently and it caused me to sit in meditation and ask how I was able to facilitate such a deep level of work and I was told that I have the help of "legions of light".  I am certain that this doesn't just apply to me, but this magnitude of help is available to any who have opened their mind to this kind of possibility.  I mention this as, for me it has given a broadened awareness as I start the process of setting my intention for the new year.

I have been aware of personal guidance most of my life - I have very close guides and teachers that have walked with me over the years of my life.  Some have been with me for the entire journey - some have come and gone once they helped with a particular phase of my growth.  However it is an even larger thought to embrace that we have "legions of light" ready to be of assistance if needed.  So if we were to choose to ask them to assist us with our intentions that are done in integrity, it gives even more empowerment for the potential of beneficial outcomes.

We live in a very transitional time and the veil that separates us dimensionally is thinning.  Our energy will continue to rise vibrationally and many more will have the ability to consciously work with others through the multiverse on its many levels of dimensionality.  You may call these beings by many names, but that they exist and work to assist us is what is important to grasp.

So as I set intentions for the coming year I will do so with the awareness that I can invoke the assistance of many - so long as my intentions are of a high vibration and come from a place of integrity.  There is a sense of peace about whatever the new year will bring when I let go of my ego need to force things into being and just ask for the available assistance to manifest the most sincere desires of my heart and soul.

In peace.........Margie